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    App Inventor: A Fun Way for Inventing Apps!

    App inventor is a visual programming environment which allows people to create unique, fully functional and useful applications for android, iPhone and different tablets. App inventor is great for beginners and children who are interested in creating apps. The coding environment is very similar to Scratch and is really easy to get started in. Overall, it is a great place to start creating apps because it is very simplified. However, the concepts you use will still be quite similar even when you get more advanced. So it is a fantastic place for children to get started!

    Children can get started in app inventor really easily, and they will start using some of the main blocks around an hour after starting. You can build any sort of app using App Inventor, like games, personal convenience apps, apps that make use of the phone’s sensors, apps to help people communicate, and even apps that can communicate to social media automatically. This is very important for children because it shows them that instead of being stuck with the apps on their phone or in the Android Market, they can make their own apps with the qualities they need.

    App inventor is an overall great place for children to get started and be introduced to the world of creating apps. The app inventor environment is straightforward and similar to Scratch, which many people are familiar with. Still, the concepts used in it are the same as when you get to a higher level. It also shows children that they do not have to wait for someone to create an app to fulfil their needs. They can just use their own creativity to develop apps for themselves. This is very useful for them and can be an excellent start for the developing world.